Player name: Henrichs, ThomasSee rating chart
Most recent federation:   Germany
Date of birth: different dates of birth given
Most recent ID: 4626605
Sex: man
  list        pos  Player_ID  Name                                 Title Fed  Rtng   +/-  Gms   Birthday   Sex  Flag 
Oct 2001      914=  4626605  Henrichs, Thomas                        m   GER  2459   +13   17  1973.03.15            
Jul 2001     1066=  4626605  Henrichs, Thomas                        m   GER  2446   +16   19  1973.03.15            
Apr 2001     1310=  4626605  Henrichs, Thomas                        m   GER  2430   -27    4  1973.03.15            
Jan 2001      915=  4626605  Henrichs, Thomas                        m   GER  2457    -5    8                        
Oct 2000      857=  4626605  Henrichs, Thomas                        m   GER  2462   +13   17  1973.03.15            
Jul 2000      968=  4626605  Henrichs, Thomas                        m   GER  2449   +21   18  1973.03.15            
Jan 2000     1259=  4626605  Henrichs, Thomas                        m   GER  2428     0    0                        
Jul 1999     1227=  4626605  Henrichs, Thomas                        m   GER  2428   -28   22  1973.03.15            
Jan 1999      814=  4626605  Henrichs, Thomas                        m   GER  2456    +1   12  1962.09.25            
Jul 1998      792=  4626605  Henrichs, Thomas                            GER  2455   +10    7  1973.03.15            
Jan 1998      848=  4626605  Henrichs, Thomas                            GER  2445   +30   20  1973.03.15            
Jul 1997     1274=  4626605  Henrichs, Thomas                            GER  2415    +5    2  1973.03.15            
Jan 1997     1310=  4626605  Henrichs, Thomas                            GER  2410   +40   18  1973.03.15            
Jul 1996     2118=  4626605  Henrichs, Thomas                            GER  2370   +30    8  1973.03.15            
Jan 1996     2803=  4626605  Henrichs, Thomas                            GER  2340   +60   27  1973.03.15            
Jul 1995     5296=  4626605  Henrichs, Thomas                            GER  2280   -45   18  1973.03.15            
Jan 1995     3351=  4626605  Henrichs, Thomas                            GER  2325   +25   12  1973.03.15            
Jul 1994     4295=  4626605  Henrichs, Thomas                            GER  2300         13